Dear January 2020 Molly,
This year is going to be a tough one. You’re going to be confused and scared but you won’t be alone. January and February will be normal, you’ll see friends and family and go out for food and brunches, but in March the whole world will be hit by Coronavirus. Everyone will have to quarantine and isolate at home and you’ll constantly watch the news. This will go on for a while.
I know it sounds all doom and gloom but I’m writing to you to highlight all the good to come out of the year. At first you’ll love it, time off of work to stop and chill out. But you know what you’re like, can’t relax for too long because boredom strikes. you’ll start to feel unmotivated and frustrated but after a few days you’ll find the strength to shake it off. You’ll start to plan your day, walk the dog, workout and trust me you’ll feel so much better for it. You’ll be the fittest you’ve been in a while. You must do things for your body this year!
Another great part of the lockdown, will be spending time with mum and dad. When do you ever have time to sit and eat dinner together? You’ll master your Chicken Alfredo which will be become the family favourite – try not to over do it though, it’s more tasty when you don’t have it every week! You’ll sit and eat with mum and dad every night and get through multiple TV series. Too bad we already watched Game Of Thrones… As well as making the most of the time with mum and dad, make sure you check up on your brother and friends every so often, they’re just as worried as you. Relationships mean everything this year, so show friends and family that you care.
And remember, you won’t be at home forever. You’ll make new memories that you will cherish with loved ones, there’ll be new opportunities for you to take on and things will get better.
December 2020 Molly x